Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Sunday Discussion May 06, 2018

Skype Session.

What we talked about today in skype.
 we talked about what we are all doing, and letting everyone know where we are in their places

The first topic we discussed was about teaching methods, in particular verbalization vs. demonstration in the dance class setting.

While there where many different opinions about Demonstration Vs. Verbalization in regards to different methods of communicating tasks in teaching. This discussion led to people not officially  changing their minds about different teaching methods but did lead more to the conclusion that people will learn differently at different stages in their training. Age, ability and individual learning styles are also factors in how people learn. There is no one way of teaching, teaching is a 'liquid' art.

The next topic we talked about was MAPP experience itself, most importantly the emotional portion of the MAPP. There was discussion about why different individuals embarked on the MAPP, and the different stresses, and enjoyment they have been experiencing as a part of the MAPP. I personally felt that the main outcome of this topic was that the MAPP is intended as an enjoyable learning experience for everyone, focusing on a deep understanding of ourselves as teaching professionals.

The third topic of the discussion ended up being how dancers are perfectionist, and how as dancers, and dance teachers it affects our performance within the MAPP. For example as mentioned above the stressful part of embarking on the MAPP and the concern about evaluation, and the ideas behind what constitutes as evaluation. Dancers are always trying to make sure that they do everything perfectly, therefore in situations when dancers are giving tasks that are not necessarily  clear, and achieving outcomes upon completion of these tasks that we are unable to understand how to evaluate. This lack of understanding leads to stress.

We then talked about different teaching strategies that people have learned on the MAPP for example democratic learning, and inspired learning. Authoritarian leaning etc. And there was much discussion about the importance of examinations, and participation in different dance competitions being necessary for evaluation of the students and teachers. There were many differing opinions about the importance of examinations, and discussions, however, there was no conclusion reached in the overall discussion, with the exception of how are we ourselves being evaluated on essays that we are writting? What does true evaluation entail?

The 5th topic discussed was about the process of the MAPP and how it has effected us in our professional practice, what changes have we been able to identify within ourselves. One of the individuals in the discussion has noticed a drastic change within herself as a teacher since beginning the MAPP vs. before she had begun the MAPP. From what I was able to observe this was mostly emotional differences before and after, as well as teaching approaches before and after. There was a mention that she would have never been the teacher she currently is if she had never started the MAPP and it was my own understanding that she before she had learned about learning that she wouldn't even have believed she would be able to teach, and transfer information to her students in the ways she is currently using previous to the MAPP.

Overall this discussion was supposed to be more about where we were personally within the MAPP and the processes of how and what we are learning. I am not sure if we reached the goals of that discussion, however, I am sure that everyone had much to think about, and reflect upon once the discussion ended.

Thank you everyone for your thoughts and insights. I have more thinking to do myself within my lifetime now. I look forward to it.



  1. Thank you for this. It was so insightful. I am in the process of moving and renovating a house so unfortunately didn't have internet on Sunday.

    I had a similar discussion with Adesola last Friday, about my reflections essay and how I believe myself to be a perfectionist and it not be a good thing when faced with something totally new. It turns out that this is now the central point of my essay, as this is something I am working on changing,. Becoming more positive in my learning and not quite so critical of myself.

    I hope your AOLs are coming along nicely, I intend to finish one more by the end of the day. Getting slightly concerned about the deadline approaching but staying positive. We can do this!

  2. Like Lisa, I had to miss this month's skype, so it's really nice to read such a thorough writeup. I'm disappointed to miss what sounds like a fantastic discussion I would have loved to joined (especially that bit about perfectionism!).

  3. As to whether or not we actually discussed what any of us thought we should be discussing, that is up to each individual to analyze the conversations and interpret the questions, responses, and statements shared during the discussion group. Remaining objective while subjectively thinking of our own thoughts and interpretations of all the discussions floating around in the chat was challenging for me. Perhaps it was end of spring and term deadlines and obligations. However, so much was discussed just being able to remember what was said and by whom is a remarkable feat.


Moving Forward

Where am I now and how has the MAPP helped me as a teacher. I feel as though I have learned through the process of the MAPP that my skills...