Monday, September 17, 2018


Hello everyone, I came across this article that a friend posted on facebook. It made me think, what makes someone qualified to be a dance teacher, I mean the bare minimum requirement, please leave your answer below, and even ask the families of your own student, or even your own students. I am really curious to find out the answer!

Also check out this article, it is an interesting read about Conducive learning environments!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting article. I actually had a very similar discussion on my facebook a couple of weeks back about not taking from unqualified teachers. I'll link it below in case you're curious. I got a fair amount of support from fellow dance teachers.

    I find the question of bare min requirement really difficult to answer. I tend to lean towards if you're teaching ballet, you need either further education or professional experience or both. I'm very uncomfortable with dancers starting to teach at 17 or 18 without ever having been taught how to teach. Even with the little ones, there's so many things to learn about teaching creative movement. But then, there are several people I danced with in high school who didn't go past that and who I would definitely trust to teach classes. But then, we were all in an extremely serious pre-pro school and a serious pre-pro company. Like I said, hard to answer.


Moving Forward

Where am I now and how has the MAPP helped me as a teacher. I feel as though I have learned through the process of the MAPP that my skills...