Tuesday, January 29, 2019

New Beginnings

Beginnings mean many different things to me. I would consider a better word for beginnings as firsts. The reason I would do this because every time I think of a new beginning, even if it is an activity that one may have done many times before, they will probably do something a little differently. I am not going to list all of the firsts that I have experienced because there are far too many, and some of them are novels within themselves. I hold all of my beginnings as points where learning begins because every beginning from my own personal experience has lead to a change within myself. And I am looking forward to all of the changes, therefore, beginnings to come.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely thoughts David. Yes that's true. I also look forward to many new 'firsts and beginnings' This year has been a tough year, but I am really enjoying all the new beginnings I am experiencing.


Moving Forward

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