Sunday, April 8, 2018

Skype Session April 08, 2018

Skype sessions today

So today we talked about learning, processes of learning, the Plasticity of the brain, and Analysis Vs. Assessment.

I am not certain where we were going with the plasticity of the brain, nor am I certain about the analysis vs. assessment.  
We talked about memory, and different ideas around how people memorize

We talked about experience, and obtaining knowledge through experience, and how through experience we become the teachers we are, whether we started as dancers (learning through touch, music, feeling, imagery and instruction) and then teachers, and choreographers.

We discussed how we got to where we are through reflection, and looking at ourselves, and seeing where and what we have learned, and the immense amount of information and experience we have accumulated through our experience as teachers, and dancers, and choreographers, and also our lives, and what we observe, and experience daily, through normal activities (I am adding to the discussion in some areas We only had an hour to discuss, and with 14 people that doesn't allocate much time to be thorough.) 

We then touched briefly on the sorting of this information into different AOL's and "where people are at" in their Module 1 (approach)AOL's, or module 2 (inquiry), or module 3(critical review), and what enhances their practices. (I am still embarrassingly  lost but I am optimistic that I will find my way.)

We Talked about taking breaks, to help enhance learning, "Sometimes students won't retain the information until their mind has had tie to relax and process the information during a given break."

I guess this would be me experiencing the concept of "taking a moment" in between the learning and the output, or the discussion and the summary, as I have taken some moments to think about something completely unrelated to the discussion called breakfast, and now I am reflecting on the morning skype discussions, and have a much more clear image of what was discusses than I did in the minutes immediately following the discussion. I am suggesting that this is an example about the break taking, in time and space we discussed today. 

I enjoyed the idea of positive psychology in the learning process. this is directly related to the "emotion" part of learning I have been reading about so it was very nice for me to observe other professionals dabbling in similar topics.

There were many other topics mentions, however I believe due to the limited time, that we were unable to address them, I take the blame for this because learning is such an intense, and in depth topic that everyone has input, and discussion related to this topic.

Please  continue discussion below, and we will be able to address more than in the discussion!


  1. Thanks for sharing such an in-depth blog about Sunday's Skype. Sadly I could not attend it. Sounds like you talked about a lot of interesting topics. I'll have to look up plasticity of the brain.
    I found the idea of rests interesting. The 2 weeks off over Easter have been all about study, with not a lot of rest. I suppose I think that if I walk away from studies, then I won't come back, or at least be able to work with the same drive. I am thinking that I need to be more careful and observant about breaks / rests for my students to make sure they can consolidate. Thanks, Imogen

  2. thanks for this unfortunately I missed the session on sunday so this has helped me to catch up.

  3. no worries, it was a good discussion. I missed the previous discussion in March. So I can relate somewhat to what you are experiencing. I am glad i could be of help.

  4. Thanks for the extended writeup! Really nice to look back and see it all in a nutshell, especially for people like me who prefer reading to learning by listening. ;) It's also neat to hear someone else's observations and how they differed from mine; we were in the same skype and we pulled out slightly different things.

    1. No worries, I like to see what other people get out of the discussions as well, I feel as though almost everyone involved takes something away something different and unique from everyone else. It also depends a lot on where someone is academically, or in their own life experience. and for an observer it makes for some very interesting study material.

  5. Thank you for sharing this, I could not attend this Skype session either, so it is good to know what was spoken about. I am a fellow 'Module 1er' and coming to the end of my 3rd AOL draft. (At least 2 more to write!) I am really enjoying reflecting over past experiences and excited to find out where my thoughts lead me on the different subjects. I am still slightly confused as to what I have to hand in in 3 weeks time. I feel like I need time to take a break and process the information and my thoughts so far but life is so busy that I don't seem to have time to take time! If that makes sense. It would be helpful to see how everyone else is feeling as right now I'm trying so hard to keep positive in my learnt but still feel slightly lost and out of my depth. Thank you for your blog post, its made me feel slightly more at ease!


Moving Forward

Where am I now and how has the MAPP helped me as a teacher. I feel as though I have learned through the process of the MAPP that my skills...