Thursday, November 15, 2018


I see many different dance companies each year as they come to town (I tend not to see the local company, for personal reasons), I also spend time on the internet watching various choreographic works that I really enjoy (the benefit of the internet is skipping what you don't enjoy, the downside to this though is we skip half of what we can learn from whether the learning is small, or large). I am finding that through watching choreographic works of many different individuals and groups, that I don't tend to see patterns except for in a select few. For awhile Choreographers were using the expression of "organic" I feel as though they meant to mean that they wanted more of a monism approach to their work, and if you could say it like this; "a more reflective method of dancing" meaning the dancers are more into themselves when they dance instead of really performing for an audience. Which could very well be the goal of those choreographers, as well as 'giving' the audience an intimate moment by watching the dancer be so into themselves.

As I learn more about different notions of knowledge I am finding that my own choreographic ideas are changing as I learn to understand through these ideas of knowledge as well. I am trying new ways(to me) of expressing communication through choreography, to see what I can play into an audience and performers imagination.

Speaking with audience members after various performances I have learned that there must be no single truth, as everyone can watch a contemporary dance performance and 10 our of 10 people will have a different idea of what was meant to be said, and myself learning upon speaking to the choreographer, that the intended performance was a mere exercise from a workshop experimenting with connectivism.

Ultimately I have no idea what people's view on knowledge are, until they die. By that time it is to late to find out. If peoples understanding is constantly changing, and learning is perpetual, then people understanding of knowledge is also fluid and constantly changing. I don't think as though I would be able to say that I am leaning to one notion of knowledge. I feel as in a single day I go through many.


  1. I too find my conceptions of knowledge (and everything!) change constantly, but maybe that's to be expected... Also, any videos of your choreography up?? I would love a peak!

  2. Hello Hannah, I don't have any of my choreography online at this time. I am considering uploading a video after an upcoming performance this year, the choreography will be a form of a monologue, which I am using to experiment with ideas of Nouverre, Fokine, and Macmillan. The idea is the expression of emotion and dialogue through movement based upon classical ballet, but more in the neoclassical style. (I am thinking more about why neoclassical is considered neoclassical, because neoclassical appears in literature describing the dance movements as far back as the 1720's). When I am finished the choreography I will send it, or post it here....

    Here is a link of one of my favorite pas de deux


Moving Forward

Where am I now and how has the MAPP helped me as a teacher. I feel as though I have learned through the process of the MAPP that my skills...